Wednesday, July 20, 2011


These are bits from the Penpen story turned into poems because I couldn't think of a character to observe or a new scene. :C



New red hair and matching lips
Charcoal eyes that watch
She sits alone, stands alone
Without her best friend
Watching all that pass
Pen's a new person now
Bold outside, but less within
Still as a statue, she watches
And wonders.

Matt ~ Aftermath
(or, alternatively, Aftermatt. Nyaaa~)

They burn in her eyes
But she won't let them go
Won't embarrass him that way
Already their stares are felt
Their whispers heard
Then, an awkward pat
So familiar, yet different, better
Friendly, reassuring, she looks up
He smiles, trying to hide concern
Being the best happy sunshine he can
She's relieved; tears fall
Just as she does into him



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